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Common Reasons People File for Divorce

Filing for divorce is a difficult, life-altering decision. This is a decision you have almost certainly not made lightly.

People who do ultimately choose to file for divorce often do so for any combination of the following reasons:

  • Abuse: Physical or emotional abuse is a major factor in the breakdown of marriages. Physical abuse is a sign that the abusing spouse has serious anger management issues that need to be resolved. If you are abused, it should not only result in you speaking with an attorney, but also getting law enforcement involved.
  • Putdowns: A partner constantly criticizing or putting down the other is a big reason for divorce. Constant criticism could be a sign of abuse. Verbal abuse can destroy a person’s self esteem. If the issue cannot be resolved in therapy or the abusing partner is unwilling to change, divorce is a good option.
  • Cheating: It’s not unheard of for spouses to reconcile after a single incident of adultery, though some spouses may find it impossible to forgive such an offense. However, serial cheating will almost always end in divorce and most incidents of cheating will end in divorce.
  • Fighting: If you find you and your spouse are constantly arguing, and are unable to resolve certain issues, it could spell an end to your marriage. If neither of you are capable of compromising or setting aside issues that lead to arguments, your marriage could be more of a drain on you than it’s worth.

For more information about some of the common reasons why people file for divorce and how to proceed with your case, contact our team of experienced divorce attorneys at Jakubowski, Robertson, Maffei, Goldsmith & Tartaglia, LLP.