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Tips for Ending a Marriage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The idea of getting divorced during a global pandemic may seem overwhelming, as so many aspects of life are disrupted and unusual at the moment. However, it is still possible to move forward with the divorce process, even when there is so little clarity about what even the immediate future holds.

Here are a few tips to help you accomplish the process as efficiently as possible, despite the pandemic-related restrictions in place.

  • Consider your options: You will still have multiple options for your divorce process; your choice will depend on the complexity of your divorce and the level of communication you and your spouse can maintain. Mediation, for example, is still a possibility, though sessions will typically occur virtually. The same is true for divorce. Litigation may take longer than usual, given the restrictions, so if you are able to use divorce alternatives that can stay out of the courtroom, this is where you will find the most efficient results. Settlement meetings (known as four way conferences) can be arranged via Skype or Zoom meetings.
  • Be comfortable with your lawyer: It’s always important to find an attorney with whom you’re comfortable, but especially so during such a stressful time when there is so much to worry about. Have an attorney with whom you are completely comfortable communicating and who you can trust to represent you well.
  • Prepare your data: You can help speed the process along by gathering all of the information you need, much of which you can find and then send to your attorney digitally. This includes information about mortgages, loans, accounts, credit cards, business interests, pensions and investments.
  • Consider your living arrangements: Adjusting living arrangements during a pandemic can be difficult, but if you and your spouse have a volatile relationship, it can be a bad idea for you to be spending so much time together under one roof during a pandemic situation. Find out what you can afford and if you will need to sell your home.

 For more tips about getting through the divorce process during the pandemic, contact an experienced attorney at Jakubowski, Robertson, Maffei, Goldsmith and Tartaglia, LLP.