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Limits on a Custodial Parent’s Right to Relocate with a Child

We live in a fluid society, where people are not always bound to one geographical area for life. A person may move far away or even out of state for various reasons. But when a parent who is subject to a child custody order contemplates such a move, there can be legal implications. While New… Read More »

Modifying Family Court Orders in New York: What You Need to Know

Family court orders, whether relating to child custody, support, or visitation, are designed to address the best interests of the child at a specific point in time. However, life is dynamic, and circumstances can change. In New York, individuals have the right to seek modifications to these court orders when significant changes occur. If you… Read More »

Why Women File for Divorce More Often Than Men

For decades, women have been more likely to file for divorce than men. What’s behind this trend? Here are some of the most common reasons women cite: Financial independence: Women started working outside the home and have had access to credit and bank accounts relatively recently. Without access to income, it’s much harder to leave… Read More »

Do You Need an Order of Protection During Your Divorce?

If you’re suffering from domestic violence, an order of protection (also known as a restraining order) can be useful. These orders can be issued as part of your divorce and custody case to protect you. Here’s what you need to know about getting your own order of protection. Do I need an order of protection?… Read More »

How You Can Use Meditation to Settle Child Custody Issues

Child custody disputes can understandably become quite emotional. Both parents love and care for their children immensely, so it only makes sense that they would each have strong opinions over how their children will be raised and what sort of custody arrangements will be put in place. With such a potentially hot-button subject, one might… Read More »

What is Imputing Income and When Does It Happen for Child Support?

If a judge has reason to believe a parent can and should be earning more income than they are, they might “impute” (assign) additional income to that parent. To do so, they will calculate child support based on a higher income than the parent’s actual earned amount, which increases the child support obligation for that… Read More »

Child Custody Tips for the Holidays

The holidays can be difficult to navigate for divorced parents. Both parents will likely (and understandably) want to have time to spend with their children over the holidays, but time is a limited commodity and the logistics of transferring children back and forth can be difficult. Here are a few child custody tips to keep… Read More »

Why Paternity Tests are Important for Child Custody

Paternity tests establish biological fatherhood, which can have some significant bearing on child custody and support cases. In such a test, DNA is collected from the possible father and the child from cheek swabs or blood samples. The DNA gets spliced to determine if the two share chromosomes. These tests have a 99.9 percent accuracy… Read More »

When the Non-Custodial Parent Takes Your Child

Both parents are required by law to adhere to the strict terms set in child custody and visitation arrangements. Any changes to those arrangements must be made by written agreement or through a Court Order. If one parent is uncooperative with those terms, it can add some unnecessary tension to the relationship between the parents… Read More »

Protecting Your Rights During a Legal Separation

Legal separation is where a married couple either enters into an agreement known as a separation agreement or gets a determination from the Court which would to allow the couple to live separately and end their marital obligations, without technically ending the marriage. A legally separated couple cannot remarry. However, this agreement (or determination by… Read More »