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How the SUNY Cap Can Affect Sharing of Post-Divorce College Expenses

In New York State, child support covers basic needs such as housing, food, clothing and education until a child reaches age 21. That can include college attendance to the extent it is within the parents’ financial ability. The SUNY Cap is a financial guideline regularly used by New York Courts to determine the maximum amount… Read More »

Limits on a Custodial Parent’s Right to Relocate with a Child

We live in a fluid society, where people are not always bound to one geographical area for life. A person may move far away or even out of state for various reasons. But when a parent who is subject to a child custody order contemplates such a move, there can be legal implications. While New… Read More »

Modifying Family Court Orders in New York: What You Need to Know

Family court orders, whether relating to child custody, support, or visitation, are designed to address the best interests of the child at a specific point in time. However, life is dynamic, and circumstances can change. In New York, individuals have the right to seek modifications to these court orders when significant changes occur. If you… Read More »

Reasons for Modifying Child Support

Whether you agree on a child support amount or have to fight it out in court, child support amounts can change before your obligations end. Either parent can petition for modifying the support order, but in order for it to be granted, there must be valid change in circumstances. Here are some common reasons you… Read More »

Common Questions About Child Support

While many parents live together to raise their child and share expenses, relationships don’t always work out. In that case, a non-custodial parent may be required to pay child support. Child support covers expenses like food, clothing, shelter and more. However, medical costs, medical insurance, child care and some educational costs are expenses that are… Read More »

Strategies for Collecting Overdue Child Support

Has your ex fallen behind in child support payments? There are a variety of methods you can use with the help of your attorney to get the money you’re owed. Here are a few examples of your options: Withholding income: Also referred to as “wage garnishment,” this is an enforcement tool in which the owed… Read More »

What to Do if Your Ex Doesn’t Pay Maintenance?

As part of your divorce, you might be awarded maintenance payments from your ex. But what happens if your ex fails to meet their maintenance obligations? Before taking any drastic legal action, you should work with your attorney to determine why your ex is not making these payments. While it is possible they are simply… Read More »

Frequently Asked Questions About Child Support Payments

Here are a few examples of some of the most frequently asked questions our attorneys receive about child support. Q: If my ex prevents me from seeing my kids, am I still responsible for paying child support? Yes. Child support is a right of the child—it has nothing to do with the relationship between the… Read More »

How to Calculate Child Support if the Paying Spouse is in the Military

There are always some extra complications in the divorce process when one or both spouses actively serves in the military. Among the various elements of the divorce that could be affected is the child support arrangement you develop. To start with, you can use the child support guidelines for your state. However, if you and… Read More »

How to Enforce a Child Support Order in New York

When parents get divorced, they are both required to continue supporting their children financially. For the parent that does not have primary or physical custody of the child, this means making monthly child support payments. However, there is a widespread problem the United States when it comes to parents who do not pay the child… Read More »