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Category Archives: Family Law

Understanding Retroactive Child Support vs. Arrears

When you share children with an ex, often, one parent is ordered or agrees to pay child support. While arrangements can vary, it’s important to comply with your court order to the letter. If you fail to pay child support, you can face serious penalties which if same is found willful, you can be incarcerated… Read More »

Reasons for Modifying Child Support

Whether you agree on a child support amount or have to fight it out in court, child support amounts can change before your obligations end. Either parent can petition for modifying the support order, but in order for it to be granted, there must be valid change in circumstances. Here are some common reasons you… Read More »

Dealing With Divorce When You Have an Abusive Spouse

Divorce can be challenging, even when it’s amicable. Navigating the process when your spouse is abusive, however, adds a new layer of difficulty and danger. Here are some tips to protect yourself when separating from an abusive partner: Separate your finances: Many people are trapped in abusive marriages because they do not have access to… Read More »

Should You Try Dating During Your Divorce?

Divorce can be emotionally, physically and financially exhausting. When a new potential partner comes along, it can seem like an antidote to the heartbreak and stress. It’s great to feel appreciated and desired after a major blow—but could it jeopardize your divorce? While every relationship and divorce are different, here are some reasons to reconsider… Read More »

Modern Parenting Plan Considerations

The world is changing rapidly, which means your parenting plan could, too. When you’re co-parenting with an ex, it’s important to make sure that you’re both on the same page about major issues, like where the children go to school, whether they’ll be raised with religion and other common issues. However, there are some new… Read More »

Common Questions About Child Support

While many parents live together to raise their child and share expenses, relationships don’t always work out. In that case, a non-custodial parent may be required to pay child support. Child support covers expenses like food, clothing, shelter and more. However, medical costs, medical insurance, child care and some educational costs are expenses that are… Read More »

Fault vs. No-Fault Grounds for Divorce

Divorces can be emotionally fraught, especially if one spouse didn’t want to get divorced. Many clients contact divorce attorneys, hoping that evidence of their spouse’s infidelity or other wrongdoing will bolster their claim. Others don’t want to assign blame—they simply want to end the marriage for their own reasons. In 2010, New York became the… Read More »

What to Do When Your Ex Refuses to Pay Child Support

The custody and support hearings are long over, and your ex owes you several months’ worth of child support already. Many single parents rely on child support to make ends meet. When your child’s other parent refuses to pay, it can have a detrimental effect on your child’s well-being. How can you collect the missing… Read More »

Is Annulment an Option for Your Marriage?

Few people look forward to divorce, even when it’s amicable. Many people wish they’d never gotten married at all. If they’re eligible for an annulment, that wish can come true—at least in the eyes of the law. Annulment doesn’t just end a marriage. It declares the marriage void, as if it had never happened. That… Read More »

A Quick Guide to Divorce Financial Disclosures

One major (and often contentious) part of divorce proceedings is dividing assets. Which are separate property? Which are marital property, and what can do you do if you disagree on how they should be divided? New York state requires couples to disclose their financial information and assets, so property can be split equitably. Here’s a… Read More »